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Sergey Alexandrovich

The hero of our time



Published in Russian: «Àðò-ãàçåòà», ¹ 46 (77), 2002 ã.


Sergey Zagraevsky Delphi

Sergey Zagraevsky. DELPHI



The following text was translated from the Russian original by the computer program

and has not yet been edited.

So it can be used only for general introduction.




This buxom young man in a suit and tie, polished shoes translatiraceway of the naive artists artificialIslands, resulting in our minds that person laborNoah destiny, which is to canvas and paints pushed nesterjfor provincial life, then - natured old womancoy, who took a brush years, that way, to eighty. "Onlyto recently I felt that for me, painting is not a second profession, but first," admitted Zagraevsky to bringsoot. The recent banking collapse affected the fate of thirtycaricaturing businessman paradoxically puttion follows: freed from most business commitments and simultaneously allowed to focus on fornatech painting, he always had a weakness.

Starting to draw in early childhood, under the supervisionof CMV father, an architect, Zagraevsky still not dared tobe loaded into the abyss of art received a technical educationuse, became a candidate of Sciences. In recent years, its headwas a number of commercial structures, and then - a subsidiary company of one of the largest banks. No needt work "for sale" were allowed to keep in ISAPIC the pure, devoid of conscious Potextov look at the world we love so much the art of the primitive. Costing without formal aesthetics capture life, this area of creativity of its clarity and awareness has always attracted attentionof not only professionals but also of idle public.

Several dozens of lyrical works, performed in a familiar colours of children's drawings from lemon yellow to aniline purple, - dated years of the last tenyears. Essentially, they reveal the secret life of the soul of the new Russian of primitive at all stages of its benefitlived with normal until recently career. Hunting for change places - one of the explicitdata property of their author. The plots are divided by months: may - is Odessa, July - Pamir, December - Christmas in Germany, and November of course, the Red square in Moscow. Many canvases and graficasfir sheets - rail and rushing through him structures, and among meetdifferent geographical names - Delphi and Yalta, Malta and Japan. Wellthan, nature for Zagraevsky - not the temple, and workshop. Uscriminal built landscapes are not just "window", through which the viewer, deprived of the possibility of real movements, looks out into the big world. SKOray, these many apiary, mosques, greenhouses, "Spring in Glebova" and "Winter in Kiseleva - a reflection of the inner miRA Sergey Zagraevsky, due to domestic financial collisions at once freed from the role, Novacalled him the entire previous life.

However, in addition to "pure art", in plans of Sergey Zagraevsky - create a new creative Association, the professional Union of artists. "Hundreds, even thousands of young (and not so) artists are unable to break through to the audience, and no one but themselves, they will not help, - considers Zagraevsky. - Why is it so? Yes all for the same: the public, they are not needed now. And to the opinion of the public focus and the "powers that be", and most of the buyers of pictures, both in this country and Western.

Will the Zagraevsky to reform the current device artistic life, is unclear. Let's wait and see.


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